Wellspan Health

Services Used

  • We are not here for our gain or our ego. Our conversations with clients and our creative audits bring out the reality of your present situation so that we know how to best proceed based on their current position and goals.

    The best place to plant a seed is below the surface, not above.

  • Our sweet spot is making our storytellers confident and comfortable on camera so they can best express their why and their passion to their audience.

    Your audience needs to feel something to be compelled to act in the direction of your desired outcome.

    Our video process works.

  • Our game plan to produce photography is very similar to our video. We are here to elevate our brand through authentic storytelling.

    What will your customers feel like if they take you up on your offer, and use your service? What’s their perspective and how can you show them what their life could be like? How can you show them an elevated perspective of themselves and solve their problems?

Serving Our Community

When you need it, you want it to be the best. It’s an honor every time Wellspan calls us to embark on a new video or photo project. With a robust internal team, art.c is a go-to source when work falls outside of capacity.


Client: Subbey


Client: ZAK